Pan-African Pen Pal Outreach Program

January 8, 2017



Open communication lines between people of African descent around the globe by building a pen pal networking educational system  

Educate people about ancient African history

Educate people of about the philosophy and opinions of Marcus Garvey

Generate proceeds for “affiliated” nonprofits

Host an annual Pan–African conference in a selected African country (livestream available for those who cannot travel abroad) 

To provide a visual and written history of every African country, along with networking and travel contacts

Provide an alternative to mainstream entertainment

Create a global platform with a solid revenue stream for artists and musicians who represent RBG Pan-African principals

Educate people about Africa’s contributions to Western Civilization

Provide an introduction course to the concept of social entrepreneurship

Educate people about the flawed methodology used in the Bell Curve regarding racial hierarchy of intelligence. Provide a brief introduction course regarding racial Pseudo Science.

Educate people about the history of Neo colonialism

Educate people about the history of Pan Africanism & Liberia

Allow participants to experience displays of African Music, Arts, Food, and Clothing

Introduce Africa Town in American cities as a Pan-African concept of rebuilding low in-come black communities or self-gentrification (AKA China Town) Family /Ethics / Community / Personal Responsibility

Utilize One on One dialogue – Facetime & Live Stream

Event Fundraisers for Annual Trip Overseas to Africa

Artists and Musicians who represent Pan-African RBG principals

Every year 1up Entertainment selects a group of artists and speakers to travel to selected cities promoting Pan-African RBG values

In each city, artists and speakers will host a morning lecture at a school or a location negotiated by 1up Entertainment. Topics will be selected beforehand. Free PDF copies of “The Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey.” will be distributed. Books, T-shirts, etc., will be available for the general public.

Artists will partake in a Clean up the hood drive (picking up trash, painting, feeding the homeless, or whatever the community decides is needed.

Concerts will take place in a selected venue. Free PDF copies of “The Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey” will be distributed. Books, T-shirts, and so on will be available for the general public. Local & mainstream artists promoting Pan- African RBG principles will be selected beforehand to open the show.

We will support and promote the annual Hip-Co festival in Liberia (West Africa) to help make it a global event promoting Pan-African RBG principles, while creating revenue streams for all artists involved.




For More Information

Contact: Brother Saye

Phone: 404-923-0255





13 Questions to Easily Expose Closet White Supremacists /White Nationalists / & White Nationalists Sympathizers

November 6, 2016

1) What important impact has the Continent of Africa and black Africans had towards cultivating Western Civilization?

2) Are you in agreement to the idea of Early Ancient Egypt being a mostly black African civilization?

3) What knowledge do you have regarding ancient African empires, and why do you think this knowledge is not known among many Americans?

4) Do you think John Brown (May 9, 1800 – December 2, 1859) should be praised as a great Republican and a Great American Hero?

5) Do you support the idea that Harriet Tubman was a great American who deserves to be on the twenty dollar bill?

6) Do you denounce the claim that the first legal slave owner in America was a black man named Anthony Johnson?

7) What are your views regarding “Legacy Preferences” in college admissions vs “Affirmative Action” Preferences in college admissions?

8) Do you denounce the Pseudo analysis presented in the book “The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life” written by psychologist Richard J. Herrnstein and political scientist Charles Murray, in which the authors argue racial differences in intelligence based on the use of IQ scores?

9) Do you think Donald Trump and his father were innocent and at no fault, despite being accused by the DOJ (during the 1970’s) of violating the Fair Housing Act & discriminating against tenants and potential tenants based on their race, due to the fact that many other realtors were accused of the same charges during this era? FYI … This case resulted in a 1975 settlement where “Trump Management” had to train employees about their obligations under the Fair Housing Act and launch a two-year marketing program to inform the community about their fair housing practices, including giving a weekly list of vacancies to the New York Urban League, among other requirements.

10) Do you think most Blacks who speak out against social injustice is a misguided stone cold supporter of the Democratic Party and Killary Clinton?

11) Do you think “Black Lives Matter” is mostly made up of racist’s terrorist’s thugs and pathetic Caucasians who just self-hate & are Dindu sympathizers?

12) Do you think Blacks and illegals are responsible for most of the crimes we hear about in American Society?

13) There is an estimated total amount of around 39 million blacks in America, how many Blacks do you think were arrested for murder in the year 2015?


Examining the percentage arguments that white supremacists use to criminalize blacks.

August 15, 2016

The percentage arguments that white supremacists use to criminalize blacks using crime data is old but powerful propaganda.

For Example, the 2014 FBI CRIME data says blacks are responsible for 58.9% of Gambling Crimes. 
What the White nationalists and White supremacists fail to tell you is that there were ONLY 4,363 Gambling crimes listed, and that blacks were responsible for 2,568 of those crimes. 

When you put into Context that Blacks represent around 38,929,319 of the total population (13%) and there were only 2,568 blacks who were involved in this crime, you see that there is no correlation that links this crime to the Majority of the Black population, as less than 1% of blacks have any involvement.

But the white nationalists and white supremacists will say .. Look, blacks only make up ONLY 13% of the population, but they committed 58% of the all Gambling crimes. What they are saying is LITERALLY TRUE.

Here is the problem. These racists take it one step further and start claiming, Blacks are prone to be Gamblers. They will exaggerate by saying blacks can’t be trusted and need to get a grip of what’s going on in their community. They will start making demands for more blacks to examine what’s wrong in the “black community.” All of this is based on the Exaggeration of the FACT. They magnify and create Stereotypes and Negative Images of blacks being criminal gamblers and the black community being riddled with criminal gamblers preying on society. The Boogie man criminal Black gambler campaign gets underway. 

Eventually they stereotype the Entire black population as Criminal Gamblers, which is a false Narrative. Remember, based on the FBI data there were only 2,568 blacks actually responsible for gambling crimes out of 38,929,319 Blacks. The black Population overwhelming (over 99%) was not charged with the Gambling Crimes listed in the FBI data. 2,568 out of 38,929,319 is a VERY small number and a percentage that represents not even 1% of the black population.

This is how White supremacists and white Nationalists present half of the facts & leave out important information out the same crime data which usually represents a new context and outlook with different perspective of the Big picture. They are purposely presenting the data out of context as they present (Half Truths). They are not lying … Facts are Facts … But they are purposely misleading people because they are not presenting ALL of the FACTS. They are leaving out important details.  It’s a great art form of propaganda that has been used by many for a very long time.  2014 FBI CRIME DATA


Exposing White Nationalists Propaganda & Lies - Skit 1

August 7, 2016

Jamal: Too many in law enforcement are getting away with not following proper protocol and killing unarmed people in our community, regardless of if those individuals guilty of crimes or not. Black Lives Matter

Nathaniel (the suspected white nationalist sympathizer): Why don’t you care about the high black on black crime. Look at the high Chicago crime rate. Also, blacks are dangerous. They are only 13% of the population, yet they are responsible for 51% of the murders and violent crimes. Do you have a clue what Per Capita is? The black community has a problem with being violent, and brings this on themselves.

Commentary: Nathaniel has made several false or fallacious claims. Below are the Factual and false claims that were made by Nathaniel.

True claims or assumptions:

-         * Blacks make up 13% of the US population

-         * Chicago has a high crime rate compared to other cities

-         * Blacks were responsible for 51% of the Murders documented in the FBI data collection for 2014

False claims or assumptions:

-         *There is no evidence that Blacks don’t care about Black on black crime and there are countless of African American organizations — including Gang Truce Groups, churches, Centers for ex-felons, Tutorial Projects, Mothers against Violence, Male Mentoring Institutions and more — that fight urban crime, debunking the narrative being presented by Nathaniel.

Examples: Mainstream media no longer allows these positive conscious messages to be played Mainstream media no longer allows these positive conscious messages to be played

-           *There is an assumption that there is a huge gap between Black on Black crime vs White on White crime. This assumption is false.  Black on black crime is at 94 % while white on white crime is at 85%. When people live among each other, the crimes that are perpetrated in the community are most likely to be among the people they live around. That can be expected. 

*The FBI data collected in 2014 shows that most violent crimes were committed by whites, not blacks. So blacks are NOT responsible for most of the violent crimes in the country. Whites were responsible for 59.4% of the violent crimes while blacks were responsible for around 37.7% of the violent crimes.  231,750 whites were documented by the FBI under violent crimes, while 147,002 blacks were documented for violent crimes. (The 147,002 who listed under violent crimes are less than 1% of the total black population (38 Million), (yet the black population are falsely stereotyped as being violent, while the crime data is presented in a way to tell half-truths, & taken out of context.) 

*Nathaniel claims blacks are only 13% of the population and the 37% is double the number via the (per-capita %) arguing BLACKS are MORE LIKELY to commit violent crimes, but neglects to ALSO acknowledge that less than 1% of the black population ACTUALLY have been found guilty of committing violent crimes. This is very important to note, and because white supremacists chose not to mention this FACT as a way of presenting half-truths as a form of propaganda. This is done in the name of to promoting their negative narrative. There are many ways collected data and statistics can be presented to defend or attack a person’s or groups image. This strategy is based on how FACTS are cherry picked, presented, and worded. 

*In 2014, the FBI documented a total of 8,230 murders.  3,807 whites were charged with murder, while 4,224 blacks were charged with murder. 4,224 murders out of a total population of 38 Million is less than 1% of the Black population. Regardless of this simple FACT … white supremacist will try to paint a FALSE narrative that a Large and overwhelming  sum of the black community are involved in criminal activity, murder, or  violent crimes, by cherry picking and mis-representing crime data in an irresponsible bias way.  

*There is no scientific data that links a person skin color to the amount of violence a person is willing to do or craves to do. There is no scientific data that says the black race is more violent than the white race. Yet, we have people trying to point to the FBI crime data to make this false argument.

*There is nothing complicated about Per –Capita  ... We know there is a difference between TOTAL ACTUAL NUMBERS vs Numbers in proportion to the total about of the actual Population.  But when it’s time to look at the percentage of the population vs the actual amount of crimes --- It is never mentioned by the white supremacists that pick and choose when and how the per-capita information should be presented and rolled out.  

-         The total Murders by blacks in 2014 was 4,224

-         The per-capita of total Murders compared the TOTAL BLACK Population is Less than 1% (they never mention this one)

-         Out of the 8,230 Murders, 51% of them were committed by blacks, which is 3 times the total Population percentage of 13%. This is extremely high, especially for a small amount of the population. WE GET IT! But white supremacist and white nationalist sympathizers swear we have no clue what they are pointing out.

-         When it’s all said and done, the FACT still remains. 99% of the total black population are not committing murders and are not involved in violent crimes, no matter how many crime statistics and per capita numbers racists selectively present to make their argument. FACTS


Here are a few important Facts to note about the data on the FBI Website. If you stroll to bottom of The FBI website on this link, it reads:

The ethnicity totals are representative of those agencies that provided ethnicity breakdowns. Not all agencies provide ethnicity data; therefore, the race and ethnicity totals will not equal.


Arrests, by Race, 2014

§  In 2014, 69.4 percent of all individuals arrested were white, 27.8 percent were black, and 2.8 percent were of other races.

§  Of all juveniles (persons under the age of 18) arrested in 2014, 63.0 percent were white, 34.5 percent were black, and 2.5 percent were of other races.

§  Of all adults arrested in 2014, 70.0 percent were white, 27.1 percent were black, and 2.8 percent were of other races.

§  White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race and accounted for 59.4 percent of those arrests.

§  Of adults arrested for murder, 50.9 percent were black, 46.7 percent were white, and 2.5 percent were of other races.

§  Black juveniles comprised 52.4 percent of all juveniles arrested for violent crimes. White juveniles accounted for 59.6 percent of all juveniles arrested for property crimes.

§  Of juveniles arrested for drug abuse violations, 74.4 percent were white.

§  White juveniles comprised 55.3 percent of juveniles arrested for aggravated assaults.


What is Social Entrepreneurship

July 26, 2016
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I’m often asked why I advocate for social entrepreneurship and why it is so important to me. I find social entrepreneurship important on many levels because it has the potential to be the stepping-stone, which convinces people to eventually start embracing the concept of a resource, based economy, over the current monetary system. I see those who chose to become social entrepreneurs as conscious minded people who care about humanity and who are willing to break away from all aspects of crony capitalism, individualism, and exploitation. If I meet someone who introduces himself or herself as a social entrepreneur, I know that they are trying to use their work to improve lives, not just to gain capital. Let’s go one step further, what is the difference between a social entrepreneur and an entrepreneur?  Webster’s online dictionary defines entrepreneur as: a person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order to make money.

The discussion of the social entrepreneur is pretty new to academia circles; so many different definitions are currently floating around.  My definition of social entrepreneurship is when an individual, or individuals, decide to make a social change in society using the method of business creation and business applications. This business not only has to tailor itself around solving a specific problem in society, it also has to spend most of its resources towards this problem. To be more effective, individuals employed at this business should all share a common goal, in dealing with this societal problem.

Teaching young people about social entrepreneurship is important because they need to know that there are other alternatives in life outside of just working to gain a lot of material wealth, or just working for a job title.  We want children to value the importance of having a hard work ethics, but we also want them to see work as a way to improve the world, and to improve their communities.  We are not telling all of them that they have to start their own businesses, but we want them to look for jobs that make a difference in the world around them. We want them to see the world of philanthropy as a viable career alternative.  When we properly education children about the options and paths available and obtainable for their success, they are more likely to choose the best life decision.

By Saye M. Taryor


Booking for The Healing Liberia through Social Entrepreneurship Lecture

July 25, 2016


We look forward to hearing from you about this amazing lecture.


Total Lecture Fee: $2,380

(Cash or Money Orders)

Booking: $900 upon arrival $1,480

Not included in lecture expenses

Hotel Expenses Providence RI/Atlanta Georgia not included

3 single King Bedrooms

Travel Expenses Providence RI/Atlanta Georgia not included

2 flights Round trip or 3 day rental car 

Supplies Needed

Projector - Projector screen - 2 Microphones -2 tables for books, cd and T-shirts to be displayed - 4 cold bottled waters - Laptop with Wi-Fi connection

Phone: 404-923-0255


Booking Form


Example of the 1up Entertainment business strategy, broken down into its simplest form

December 2, 2014

Five individuals live in the Washington D.C. area. 

Mike has just opened a brand new restaurant and business is really slow. He does not have money to launch a marketing campaign, and he knows he needs some form of revenue to start paying the rent on his new building. He’s contacted a web designer, but the cost of the website digs into his electric bill, which is more important for now. The web designer is also responsible for doing the first wave of promotional print materials. He needs to create more awareness about his new restaurant, and he needs to figure out a way to bring in new customers, to generate more revenue.

Tanya is an aspiring R&B artist. She currently has 12 newly recorded songs, but she has no platform to promote her work and display her talent. She knows she is talented, but she is unable to afford the expenses that come with marketing and promoting her project. She needs a platform to perform and display her talents. She also needs help creating a fan base.

Xavier works a 9 to 5 corporate job, but recently received his 501c(3) certification, for his newly founded nonprofit organization. Excited about pursuing his life passion, he contacts a web designer, but the cost of the website is currently too expensive. He does not have the income to hire a full time office staff, but he needs administrative assistance to have any success. He needs help to create awareness, and to generate revenue for the newly founded organization. He also needs administrative assistance in setting up his operational system.

Roscoe is a 19-year-old college student, is excellent with graphic designing, creating flyers, banners, posters, and other forms of art. He often sends out his work on social media, and many people give him positive feedback about his work. Roscoe thinks he can create a business, and generate revenue, that will help him through his college experience, but he is not sure how to go about gaining clients, and promoting his talents for revenue. Roscoe needs clients, and he needs a venue to allow him to display his talents. He needs public visibility for his work.

Terry is single and happens to have a lot of free time on her hands. She wants to be more socially active, and to leave the house more. She loves to cook, and she feels that she makes the best jerk chicken in the metro D.C. area. She would like to be more involved in her community, and would also like to display her talents to a larger audience.

What do these individuals have in common with one another? They are each talented, but feel that they are limited to what they are able to accomplish. They each feel an obstacle in their way. What they see as an obstacle, we see as a tremendous opportunity. The 1up philosophy is to show individuals how to network and build as a team. Staying 1up means recognizing the power of networking to accomplish individual goals. These individuals see obstacles, but let me show you how 1up entertainment strategically operates to create economic empowerment through unity and networking, sharing the wealth.

At 1up Entertainment/Consulting, our job is to connect individuals who share different skill sets and resources, but whom are compatible, from an operation, and economic empowerment standpoint.

Knowing the needs of all the individuals described above, it starts with us reaching out to Xavier. He decides he would like to work with us to aid his non-profit organization. He hires us a virtual assistant, and he pays us to do administrative work by the hour. We build a website for his organization, 50% less than his last quote. We link the website with multiple social media networks, helping to enhance a digital marketing networking presence. Xavier is pleased, and he allows us to plan a strategic event for the organization. This is done to help increase revenue and awareness for the organization. If needed, this is done with a limited budget. Our job is to create the theme of the event, and the event type.

For Xavier, we decide to have an evening charity dinner, with a live stage performance. We have to find the venue, contact the entertainment, and figure out a cost effective way to orchestrate the marketing and promotions of the event. Our job is to link together the individuals who can provide all the resources for this event, but we need to make sure that each individual needs are met, in the process of this joint venture. We have to clearly display how each individual benefits from participating in the event, and we have to outline what is expected of each individual, in order for the joint venture to be successful. We have to clearly explain the short and long term benefits of this joint venture to each individual, so that everyone can agree to work together. Once the research is completed, we seek out Mike, Tanya, Roscoe, and Terry, to work with Xavier. We make sure to understand all of their needs, and we make a pitch to each individual to get them involved in the networking process.

First, we contact Mike and ask him to sponsor an evening charity dinner, by allowing us to use his establishment as the venue. So Mike wants to know what’s in it for him. He informs us that he has bills to pay. From our research, we know that Mike needs to create more awareness for his new restaurant, and he needs to figure out a way to bring in new customers to generate more revenue, so we offer to build his website (for an extremely low price/or based on the work that is needed, we may even offer to do it for free) and we explain to him, that if he allows the event to be held in his establishment, it will bring in potential new customers, and that he will get free promotions from the advertising of the event. We tell him that there is a chance we can also enhance the image of the restaurant, by providing free art work to post around the venue, and affordable print (promotions) moving forward. All we ask is that he donates 30% of the night profits, to Xavier’s nonprofit organization. He thinks about it and agrees.

We meet up with Roscoe and ask him to sponsor an evening charity dinner. We explain to him how we can put him in a position to get new clients, and to help him gain more public visibility for his work. We tell him that we can get his art displayed all over the walls of Mike’s restaurant, if he agrees to create the posters and the print (promotions) materials for the evening charity dinner. We also ask him to help promote the event by posting it all over his social media sites, since he has a large following of people who admire his work. We promise that he will be acknowledged for his artwork, during the event, and that print material promoting his work will be handed out to individuals attending the event. We agree to mention him as a potential art and graphic designer, to the nonprofit organizations that we encounter moving forward.

We meet with Tanya and ask her to sponsor an evening charity dinner, by agreeing to be the headline entertainer. We explain to her how it will create a platform for her to perform and display her talents. We also explain how her participation will be beneficial in helping her expand her fan base. We explain how she will be mentioned on the marketing a promotional material, and how she can negotiate with Mike (after the event) to perform anytime, from once a month, to maybe even once a week. We offer to build her website for 50% less than the average quote, and we ask Roscoe to show her how to set up pages on ReverbNation, and other online sites for inspiring musicians. Tanya and Roscoe negotiate on other marketing and promotional projects, allowing him to display his talents and allowing her to get affordable artwork, or even free artwork, for her music projects. The two agree to promote each other moving forward, as they work on their presentations, for the upcoming evening charity dinner.

We come across Terry, and we inform her of the upcoming evening charity dinner that is being planned. We ask her if she would be willing to volunteer, and be the host at the door. She declines the invitation, but wants to know if she can cook her infamous jerk chicken dish at the event instead. We contact Mike, and explain what Terry wants to do. Mike and Terry meet, and he agrees to let her prepare one of the side dishes, during the event. Mike now has another person to help out in the kitchen, which he will not have to pay, for the evening charity event.

By agreeing to work together, and not dismissing the joint venture, and by not demanding high fees, for each of our services, we all create a working network that can be beneficial to each of us, long term. We can charge our normal fees, once we have obtained more clients and more customers, through working together. Being humble and making sacrifices allows all of us to move forward, through networking together, and by aiding each other into economic empowerment. This key is for us to reach our long-term revenue capability. Our message needs to remain positive, and our approach always needs to be professional. In such a scenario, I would like for these individuals, and 1up Entertainment/Consulting, to keep it in the family, meaning, we continue to work as a team to promote and advertise for one another, beyond the charity evening dinner. The idea is for people unite and work together, to generate revenue and to solve problems. This example is the ideal working and networking strategy for 1up Entertainment.

Contact 1up Entertainment/Consulting   Twitter / Google+ / Facebook / Pinterest / Official Site


Martin Luther King Jr. Message to White America (Laws vs Sacrifices)

July 4, 2014

Why is equality so assiduously avoided? Why does white America delude itself, and how does it rationalize the evil it retains?

The majority of white Americans consider themselves sincerely committed to justice for the Negro. They believe that American society is essentially hospitable to fair play and to steady growth toward a middle-class Utopia embodying racial harmony. But unfortunately this is a fantasy of self-deception and comfortable vanity. Overwhelmingly America is still struggling with irresolution and contradictions. It has been sincere and even ardent in welcoming some change. But too quickly apathy and disinterest rise to the surface when the next logical steps are to be taken. Laws are passed in a crises mood after a Birmingham or a Selma, but no substantial fervor survives the formal signing of legislation. The recording of the law in itself is treated as the reality of the reform.

This limited degree of concern is a reflection of an inner conflict which measures cautiously the impact of any change on the status quo. As the nation passes from opposing extremist behavior to the more pervasive elements of equality, white America reaffirms its bonds to the status quo. It had contemplated comfortably hugging the shoreline but now fears that the winds of change are blowing it out to the sea.

The practical cost of change for the nation up to this point has been cheap. The limited reforms have been obtained at bargain rates. There are no expenses, and no taxes are required, for Negroes to share lunch counters, libraries, parks, hotels and other facilities with whites. Even the psychological adjustment is far from formidable. Having exaggerated the emotional difficulties for decades, when demands for new conduct became inescapable, white Southerners may have trembled under the strain but they did not collapse.

Even the more significant changes involved in voter registration required neither large monetary nor psychological sacrifice. Spectacular and turbulent events that dramatized the demand created an erroneous impression that a heavy burden was involved.

The real cost lies ahead.  The stiffening of white resistance is a recognition of that fact. The discount education given Negroes will in the future have to be purchased at full price if quality education is to be realized. Jobs are harder and costlier to create than voting rolls. The eradication of slums housing millions is complex far beyond integrating buses and lunch counters.

The assistant director of the Office of Economic Opportunity, Hyman Bookbinder, in a frank statement on December 29, 1966, declared that the long-range costs of adequately implementing programs to fight poverty, ignorance and slums will reach one trillion dollars.  He was not awed or dismayed by this prospect but instead pointed out that the growth of the gross national product during the same period makes this expenditure comfortably possible. It is, he said, as simple as this: “The poor can stop being poor if the rich are willing to become even richer at a slower rate.” Furthermore, he predicted that unless a “substantial sacrifice is made by the American people,” the nation can expect further deterioration of the cities, increased antagonism between races, and continued disorder in the streets. He asserted that people are not informed enough to give adequate support to antipoverty programs, and he leveled a share on the blame at the government because it “must do more to get the people to understand the size of the problem.” 

MLK "Where Do WE Go From Here, Chaos or Community?"  Pages 5-6


Martin Luther King Jr. Views of America's Forefathers

June 30, 2014

Virtually all of the Founding Fathers of our nation, even those who rose to the heights of the presidency, those whom we cherish as our authentic heroes, were so enmeshed in the ethos of slavery and white supremacy that not one ever emerged with a clear, unambiguous stand on Negro rights.  No human being is perfect.  In our individual and collective lives every expression of greatness is followed, not by a period symbolizing completeness, but by a comma implying partialness.  Following every affirmation of greatness is the conjunction “but .”  Naaman “was a great man” says the Old Testament, “but…”-that “but” reveals something tragic and disturbing-“but he was a leper.” George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, John Quincy Adams, John Calhoun and Abraham Lincoln were great men, but-that “but, underscores the fact that not one of these men had a strong, unequivocal belief in the equality of the black man.  

No one doubts the valor and commitment that characterized George Washington’s life. But to the end of his days, he maintained a posture of exclusion toward the slave. He was a fourth-generation slave holder. He only allowed Negros to enter the Continental Army because His Majesty’s Crown was attempting to recruit Negros to the British cause.  Washington is not without his moment of torment, those moments of conscience when something within told him that slavery was wrong. As he searched the future of America one day, he wrote to his nephew: “I wish from my soul that the legislature of this State could see the policy of gradual abolition of slavery. It might prevent future mischief.” In spite of this, Washington never made a public statement condemning slavery.  He could not pull away from the system. When he died, he owned, or had on lease, more than 160 slaves.

Here, in the life of the father of our nation, we can see the developing dilemma of white America: the haunting ambivalence, the intellectual and moral recognition that slavery is wrong, but the emotional tie to the system so deep and pervasive that it imposes an inflexible unwillingness to root it out.

Martin Luther King Jr. [Where Do We Go From Here, Chaos or Community?]1968


Martin Luther King Jr. made a great argument for Black Americans to gain reparations from America in his final literary work

May 27, 2014

Martin Luther King Jr. made a great argument for Black Americans to gain reparations from America in his final literary work.

“But underneath, the ambivalence of white America toward the Negro still lurked with painful persistence.  With all the beautiful promise that Douglass saw in the Emancipation Proclamation, he too found that it left the Negro with only abstract freedom.  Four million newly liberated slaves found themselves with no bread to eat, no land to cultivate, no shelter to cover their heads.  It was like freeing a man who had been unjustly imprisoned for years, and on discovering his innocence sending him out with no bus fare to get home, no suit to cover his body, no financial compensation to atone for his long years of incarceration and to help him get a sound footing in society; sending him out with only the assertion: “Now you are free.”  What great injustice could society perpetrate?  All the moral voices of the universe, all the codes of sound jurisprudence, would rise up with condemnation at such an act.  Yet this is exactly what America did to the Negro.  In 1863 the Negro was given abstract freedom expressed in luminous rhetoric.  But in an agrarian economy he was given no land to make liberation concrete.  After the war the government granted white settlers, without cost, millions of acres of land in the West, thus providing Americas new peasants from Europe with an economic floor.”  – MLK

(Where Do We Go From Here – Chaos or Community)

Do you Agree with Dr. Kings Statement Concerning Reparations?  Vote Below


About Me

Brother Saye Brother Saye (Saye Menlekeh Taryor) is an author, critical thinking education & social entrepreneur activist, founder of 1up Entertainment/Consulting and the leading voice for “The 1up Movement.” The Atlanta/Liberian native graduated from Piney Woods Country Life School (a historically black boarding school, located in central Mississippi) in 1992. Soon after, he enrolled in the University of Southern Mississippi, where he pursued a journalism degree. After realizing his true calling was to illuminate young men and women about the importance of social entrepreneurship and critical thinking education, he attended Georgia State University to learn more about critical thinking education and public speaking. Brother Saye has been active with “Generation Y” leadership workshops, which he first hosted with Linda A. Brooks in 2009. As an activist, he currently promotes his 1up programs and workshops, and is the "Atlanta Travel" writer for the Brothers Saye’s most recent book entitled, “Overstanding With a 1up Vision, The Critical Thinking Approach to Liberation” has received praise throughout the conscious community. Other published works include, Child development and the importance of critical thinking education, Critical thinking approach to voting, Part II, “The 2009 1up Entertainment Music Guide and Directory, Vol. 1,” “Country Life School,” "What Do You Think?" and, “A Fathers Burden.”


Saye Taryor Brother Saye's New Book "Analyzing The American Divide" Will Be Available This Fall

Donations are accepted



Social Entrepreneurs

Individuals who engage in social enterprise and draw upon the best thinking in both the business and nonprofit worlds in order to advance their social agenda.  "Social entrepreneurs identify resources where people only see problems. They view the villagers as the solution, not the passive beneficiary. They begin with the assumption of competence and unleash resources in the communities they're serving."
David Bornstein, author of How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas.
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